Project Killswitch Travel Case Review | SteamDeck

Seems like I’ve been doing a lot of SteamDeck writing lately. It’s well overdue. I have a backlog of things that I need to clear out that are all partially done. My experience of Project Killswitch by dbrand is one of those items. I received it, after I purchased my JSAUX case and am really quite satisfied with the design of that as well. I couldn’t just leave the Project Killswitch Travel Case just sitting in the package. It demanded an unboxing.

Bottom Line Up front: I love this case. I don’t think it could be more perfect for my uses. It is a bit on the expensive side for a case but the care and design that went into the case and the packaging says that this is a company that insists on quality and attention to detail.


SteamDeck Reference
JSAUX Screen Protector for the SteamDeck
JSAUX Advanced Dock and Protective Shell for the SteamDeck | Review

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