Other Distributions

Although I am a die-hard openSUSE user and fan of the project, I do take some time with other distributions. Some distributions are very well suited for specific use cases and work flows. I like to take the time to work with other distributions so that I am better able to help out those with other distributions.


Here is a great openSUSE derivative that I have used. It comes in a Live USB version that can be given a test drive. There are versions built on both openSUSE Leap and Tumbleweed. The big difference here is that it has multimedia codecs installed by default and has ISOs spun for other desktop environments. that are .


Ubuntu MATE is a great distribution that runs fast and efficient. Not my preference but it is the other distribution that I once used for a PowerPC machine and currently for a Pine A64 This variant of Ubuntu is built around the MATE desktop environment. This distribution is easy to install but does require booting to a live image first and install from a desktop icon. This is not my preferred method to install but would be good for those that wish to take Linux for a spin before committing to it.


Another great and efficient Linux distribution. It is 64 bit only and is targeted specifically for desktop use.

Solus | Review from an openSUSE User

Fedora Linux

I only dabble and test things here to stay familiar with what makes Fedora, Fedora.

Giving Fedora Another Run


Pop!_OS is an Ubuntu based distribution that uses Gnome for the desktop environment. It is an artistically fantastic distribution.

Pop!_OS | Review from an openSUSE User

Peppermint OS

Peppermint OS is a light-weight Lubuntu based distribution with LXDE and XFCE elements. The default theme makes this a great looking distribution and a handy default tool called Ice allows you to easily integrate web applications into the menu as though they were native. This is available in 32 and 64 bit ISOs flavors.

PeppermintOS | Review from an openSUSE User

MX Linux

A great light-weight Debian distribution that works fantastically well on old hardware. It looks great and has a full-featured configuration tool for the XFCE based desktop. The pre-configured conky is a handy desktop tool that gives you a quick snapshot of your system status. 32 and 64 bit ISOs are available.

MX Linux | Review from an openSUSE User

BunsenLabs Linux

For systems very limited in resources, BunsenLabs Linux fits the bill very nicely. It is super light weight, Debian based distribution that breaths new life into old hardware. The 32 bit version works remarkable well and almost makes you forget how old the machine is. 64-bit is also available.

BunsenLabs Linux | Review from an openSUSE User

Enso OS

Enso OS is a fine looking XFCE Desktop, it makes XFCE feel as “modern” and pleasant as any other desktop environment. I would say that this XFCE experience is very positive.

Enso OS | Review from an openSUSE User

Neptune OS

Debian based distribution with a Plasma Desktop. It works very well, has the vast Debian library of software and has a fine polish. The installation is easy to walk through and the default software selection is very sensible.

NeptuneOS | Review from an openSUSE User

Linux Mint

Is an Ubuntu Linux derivative that is very popular.