Noodlings 10 | Christmastime, xLights, Exploring Media Servers and Computer History

To squeeze one more blathering in before the end of the year, here are a few things I am noodling around currently. The 10th Noodling arriving, not because anyone asked for it... Christmastime Activities Post Christmas Day shopping yielded me a really nice find, specifically something pretty fantastic from Lowe's that allows me to fix … Continue reading Noodlings 10 | Christmastime, xLights, Exploring Media Servers and Computer History

Restoring my Nexus 6P To Working Order

As a kind of Christmas gift to myself, I spent the 5th day of Christmas disassembling and installing a new battery into this "shelved" phone of mine. It is something I have wanted to do since the battery started fading and I finally got to it. I bought a battery replacement kit on eBay for … Continue reading Restoring my Nexus 6P To Working Order

Another Christmastime Blathering | Linux Powered Lighting

Christmastime is a time of hope and joy, despite the cold and darkness that comes with it. It is like it stands in defiance against the darkness, warms people and brings out the best, or at least, has the potential to do so. Link to YouTube video of light show.Link to Second YouTube video of … Continue reading Another Christmastime Blathering | Linux Powered Lighting

2001 Ford F-350 Radiator Replacement

My trusty old Diesel powered truck developed another issue, the radiator was leaking coolant and I couldn't help but think about the many Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes where Geordi La Forge telling the bridge, "We have a coolant leak" That began my task of gathering things and knowledge to get this process started. … Continue reading 2001 Ford F-350 Radiator Replacement

Elementary OS | Review From an openSUSE User

There are some Linux distributions that have a wide audience and there are others that focus in on a specific customer or user. If I were asked to describe who I think ElementaryOS is targeting, I would certainly say, not me. The reason being, ElementaryOS goes for a particular look and they have a specific … Continue reading Elementary OS | Review From an openSUSE User

Noodlings 9 | Smoking a Turkey not my Linux Powered Lights

Life gets in the way of my nerding. I'd apologize but I don't exactly see me as being accountable since this is not exactly a source of income for me. So, I'll do these as much and as often as I can. The 9th Noodling strolling in unfashionably late to a party Smoking a Thanksgiving … Continue reading Noodlings 9 | Smoking a Turkey not my Linux Powered Lights

Data Recovery from IDE (PATA) Drive

I am not one to turn up my nose to old technology and I typically am excited about anything a little bit older or vintage to explore. In fact, I am generally excited to take a screwdriver to just about any piece of technology out there. I will say, there has been a recent exception. … Continue reading Data Recovery from IDE (PATA) Drive