Noodlings 26 | Redemption

Here is the 26th morsel-sized podcast episode This is just a Nate-echo-chamber of ideas but if you are interested in more thoughts and opinions in discussion with other Linux and open source enthusiasts, subscribe to DLN Xtend, a podcast with the Destination Linux Network where I have a chat with my co-hosts Matt and Wendy … Continue reading Noodlings 26 | Redemption

User Friendly Printer Management | openSUSE YaST

At some point in my life with openSUSE, some default policy concerning printers changed that required me to enter the root credentials to resume a printer, should it be paused for whatever reason. I did not like this default and I was contacted about this annoyance, so, I set out to fix this and make … Continue reading User Friendly Printer Management | openSUSE YaST